Easter 2023

Easter 2023

A gentle rising over mountains and hills
The new, God filled mornings where birds gently shrill
Small new born lambs dance closely by mills
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

Sacred songs, worship, with words full of praise
In Churches surrounding the Largs hills and braes
Children hunt eggs and voices are raised
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire 

Another ray shines, o'er  those still asleep
Hope for all people from the Great Mercy Seat
A baby is born, little feet, mothers weep
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

O'er darkened bleak  forests, beams shafts of white light
Laying beacons of hope, joys, filled with delight
The Saviour has risen, o Beautiful Sight
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

Every day of our lives we await his appearing
Through our darkened thoughts and opinions still seething
Power so Gentle and soft,ever nearing
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

Shining with hope for people oppressed
And those with anxiety, seeking some rest
Bringing peace to our town, all people are Blessed
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

Pillars of light upon earth's lofty shafts
Old time honoured rituals falling at last
A new Light is dawning and all are agast
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

An angel appears and rests on our thoughts
Like butterflies clinging to their earthly lot
Of Thoughts and Prayers higher than possessions sought
as Easter dawns upon Ayrshire

Joseph McTaggart