Last night I dreamt of Lilac buds Upon the Garnock Stream amid the thorns and briars thick a purple colour beamed I thought about the folk who came and chanced upon this sight perhaps ancestors,long since gone who left it burning bright Perhaps a bird did carry it from far and distant lands or from a child´s hands it fell and grew to proudly stand Or from Place Castle seeds did blow across the glade and vine to where the lovers meet in quiet with bodies deep entwined From where before the lilac came no man knows for sure cemetery or Moorpark House or from the Fairlie Moor So when you come and chance upon the purple lilac hue Give a thought from whence it came Ancestors before you
Month: February 2023
Dennyholm Mill (and houses)
Kilbirnie Tract Band 1931
Memories of the Rows: Fading Breath of the Past
This map of the steel works is from John McFarland´s book mentioned above. If anyone has an Ecopy of this book, please get in touch and I will upload it here.