Upon your brow of vanished hours, a shadow does appear,
Of lost and lonely sufferings,
Which took away your years.
A soul now flies with knowledge strong,
A higher recompense,
A woman’s death to feed a hate,
Has no reason rhyme or sense.
Upon your brow of vanished hours, a shadow does appear,
Of lost and lonely sufferings,
Which took away your years.
A soul now flies with knowledge strong,
A higher recompense,
A woman’s death to feed a hate,
Has no reason rhyme or sense.
This is a poem I have written about Bessie Dunlop. A female burned as a witch, from Dalry.
Witch of Lynn, Dalry, arise
Return across our minds and skies
Free us from our bonds and chains
As deep divisions rise again
Banish sadness in your path
Hatred gone and Love at last
Minds of hatred let them rot
Come in peace Bessie Dunlop
Names in this article and likely in the photo: James Gibson, Mary Steele, G Jaffray, E.Pirrett, M.Martin, Alan Walker, Ed Kellett, G. Hamilton, Doris Gaze, D McKee, Margaret Fulton, WI Thomson, Tom Davidson, M. Kircaldy, (mentioned in some football results elsewhere) E Hamilton, J. Graham, Alan Hamilton, John Archibald, Bert Smith, WM Baillie.