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Gaelic Lesson 14 – Tràth Caithte and More About Tenses

Tha mi a ‘sgrìobhadh leabhar.
(Tha sibh etc…..)
Tràth Caithte

Bha mi a ’sgrìobhadh leabhar.

(Bha sibh etc……..)
The above examples show the most common and easiest ways to create the present tense and past, using the continuous of the verb “to be” . To use the simple present (instead of the Continuous present) there is a construction, unusual in Gaelic, using the future tense.
Sgriobhadh mi or bidh mi a´sgriobhadh
The future tense used as the present simple is more common when we talk about things we do habitually and things which happen a lot or are generally true. Practice will make this clearer.  Please try to use the continuous until you have more practice with this.
H is added to create the simple past, here is a chart of imperatives. Notice the irregular form of “DH” with vowels” and “F”.  It is also interesting to notice that nothing happens to “SG” and “R”
Imperative English Translation Past Tense English Translation
fàg! leave! dh’fhàg left
ionnsaich! learn! dh’ionnsaich learnt
pòg! kiss! phòg kissed
obair! work! dh’obair worked
sabaid! fight! shabaid fought
sgrìobh! write! sgrìobh wrote
ruith! run! ruith run
seas! sit! sheas sat
teasgaisg! teach! theagaisg taught
tog! lift! thog lifted

dh´ionnsaich e

dhionnsaich thu anns an obair sin?

It is formed by exactly the same rules as the continuous present tense.

Questions etc and how to ask them will be shown later
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Scottish Gaelic Lesson 9 – Present Continuous

The continuous present tense is written with ag before the word, abbreviated to a’ to make it easier when we are speaking. It is used more often than in English.

An-diugh, tha mi a ’sgrìobhadh sgeulachdan, (tràth làthaireach). Is mise fear-gèidh,  Tha mi a ’fuireach le mo bhràmair  agus  An-diugh, tha Glaschu glè bhrèagha. an-diugh tha fèis Ghàidhlig ann an Glaschu, le ceòl agus cofaidh